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      Acute Respiratory Conditions

      An acute respiratory condition involves a sudden illness where your breathing becomes more difficult. This may involve a drop in your oxygen levels, worsening cough, fever or fatigue.

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      They usually originate from a virus or bacteria affecting your upper or lower respiratory system. People with chronic lung disease, compromised immune systems, or smokers are more prone to acute respiratory conditions. Examples include Rhinitis (common cold), Influenza (flu), Pneumonia or Bronchitis. The most common treatment initially is antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. You may however find that you have some lingering symptoms such as an ongoing cough, mucous production, breathing difficulties or loss of strength and condition. We can guide you in exercises and management to return to full function and previous fitness levels.

      • COVID-19

        COVID-19 is an infectious disease which causes a multitude of symptoms including respiratory, such as shortness of breath, cough and fatigue. Once you are no longer infectious and have completed your isolation period, you may still experience some ongoing lingering issues with your breathing or return to sport and exercise. Our physiotherapists can guide you through those initial stages of recovery, and also assist in pacing you back to your previous activity levels longer term.

        More About Long Covid

      • Sinusitis

        Sinusitis is an infection or inflammation of the lining in the nasal cavity. This can be either an acute issue (less than 4 weeks) but can easily become a chronic long term or recurrent issue for many people with respiratory conditions. Many people find the two things go hand in hand, and are often linked to more recurrent flare ups of a productive cough and chest infections.

        You should always discuss with your doctor or specialist first regarding treatments such as antibiotics, nasal washouts or sprays and pain relief if required. Therapeutic ultrasound has been found to be effective in the treatment of sinusitis, which we are able to implement in conjunction with your other treatments. Make sure and discuss this with your Thoracare physiotherapist so we can explore this option for you.

      Book an appointment today with:

      • Acute Respiratory Conditions Physiotherapist

        Jennifer Douglass

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        Jen Douglass has been a part of the Thoracare team for 8 years and is currently working with both outpatients and inpatients. She is currently the inpatient physiotherapy coordinator on the general medical and respiratory wards. Jen completed her degree at Curtin University, and has worked predominantly in the areas of cardio-respiratory, cardio-thoracic and inpatient rehabilitation. These are her main areas of interest, in which she enjoys gaining further experience and knowledge by working in an outpatient setting. She has also completed some further training in rehabilitation of dizziness and balance issues. Outside work Jen enjoys spending as much time as she can with friends and family.

      • Acute Respiratory Conditions Physiotherapist

        Liane Smith

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        Liane was born in Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa  and graduated at University of Cape Town in 1986 with BSC Physiotherapy.  She immigrated to Perth with her family in 1999 to start a new adventure. Liane’s background is private practice, where she ran a team of physiotherapists who serviced acute respiratory, cardiac surgery and neurosurgery, as well as outpatient rooms specialising in spinal, musculoskeletal, sport injuries and rehabilitation.

        The practice was involved with State track and field athletes, as well as the Durban World surf life-saving Championships in 1999 and the Vets World Track and Field in 1997. Liane’s interests currently lie in treating breathing pattern disorders, hyperventilation syndrome and inspiratory muscle training in clients with a history of chest problems or unexplained breathing disorders. She is also interested in breathing disorders in sportspeople and athletes.


      • Acapella information

        The Acapella is a simple handheld device designed to help clear sputum (phlegm) from the lungs. For this reason it is often used by patients who have chronic respiratory conditions, such as COPD and Brochlectassis, as part of their daily Physiotherapy routine.

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      • Good breathing information

        ‘Good breathing’ means moving air in and out of the chest with the minimum of effort and the right muscles. This is to give you the correct amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide you need to live and feel well.

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      • Clearance information

        Chronic lung conditions often cause an increase in the amount of sputum (phlegm) produced in the lungs. When sputum is allowed to build up, it causes frequent coughing and shortness of breath. Most importantly, this can lead to chest infections and having to go to hospital.

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      More Information?

      If you would like more information, please call today on (08) 9382 9600 and one of our physiotherapists will be happy to help you.

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